• Do not sign an Agreement without consulting us first
  • We recommend a ten day due diligence clause be included in the Agreement so that we can properly review all terms.
  • To the Best of your ability, read the Agreement carefully yourself so that you get a proper feel for what you are getting. In particular, look at the plans and specifications.
  • Talk to us about a “PURCHASER Sunset Date” so that if the development is not completed by a certain date (including issue of Code Compliance Certificate “CCC” and Title) you can then cancel and receive back your deposit. Inevitably one or two builders from time to time will fail, so you need to be able to get your deposit back.
  • We will review the Agreement to ascertain if your deposit funds are held safely in Trust until CCC and new Title issue.
  • In a busy housing market the terms in these Agreements always favour the developer, and our experience is that 19 out 20 Agreements need to be amended to be fair to both parties. Be Careful
  • See point one above.